by - January 09, 2018

If there is something that I love to eat specially during this "Princess Elsa" type of weather is chili. The other day, I made my "special" homemade chili and took it to work to shared with my friends and they absolutely loved it! 

So I decided to share my little "chili" secret with you all. This recipe is pretty simple and has a lot of flavor. You can even add more chili powder if you like that extra spicy flavor. I know that some people might like their chili soupy but I like it chunky because I love to eat it with fries or little crakers maybe is because it kinds of reminds me of the old days, when I used to go to Wendy's after school and instead of fries I would ordered a baked potato with chili YUMMY!

This recipe probably serve about 5 -10 people so be really to share with the love ones.

 I cooked my own beans however, you can always used can beans. I also like to include not only one type of beans but two. I usually use black and kidney beans but that is because I like to play with colors. 

2 lbs ground turkey 
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 gloves garlic, minced
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 tsp hot sauce (I love Lousiana hot sauce)
1 can kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 green or yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 jalapeño, chopped
1 tsp salt
Pinch of pepper
3 tbsp chilli powder
2 tsp oregano

In a large pot, brown the turkey beef, about 5 minutes. Add the onion and garlic  and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook on medium heat for about an hour and voila!

Serve with some shredded cheese and sour cream (greek yogurt is always the healthies option) and enjoy!!

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